Jumat, 04 September 2009

Ngaben body is burning ceremony in Bali

Brief BaliNgaben Traditional Marriage is a cremation ceremony in Bali, especially by the Hindus, where Hindus are the majority religion in this Pura Thousand Islands. In the Panca Yadnya, the ceremony is included in Yadnya Pitra, the ceremony dedicated to the spirit lelulur. Ngaben ritual meaning in essence is to restore the spirit of ancestors (the dead) into place. A man has Pedanda said Bayu, Word, Idep, and after death Bayu, Word, Idep was returned to Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva. Ngaben ceremony is usually conducted by family relatives of the deceased, as a manifestation of a child respect for parents. In this ceremony once the funds typically spend 15 million until 20 million rupiah. The ceremony is usually performed by festive, no sobs, because in Bali there is a belief that we should not weep for those who have died because it could hinder the journey toward the place of the spirits. Day of Ngaben determined by finding the good day is usually determined by Pedanda. A few days before the ceremony held Ngaben families will be assisted by the community to make "Bade and Ox" a very stately wooden, colored paper and other materials. "Bade and Ox" This is where the body which will be implemented Ngaben. In the morning when the ceremony is held, the family and relatives and the community will come together to prepare the ceremony. The bodies will be cleaned or commonly called "Nyiramin" by society and family, "Nyiramin" is led by people who considered the oldest in the community. After that the bodies will put on traditional Balinese dress like a man who was still alive. Before the summit carried out, the whole family will pay their respects and give prayer diupacarai spirits may obtain a good place. Once everything is ready, then the body will be placed in "Bade" for the gang carried to the cemetery where Ngaben ceremony, accompanied by a "gamelan", "chant the sacred", and followed all the families and communities, in front of "Bade" there is a white cloth significant long as the spirit pacer to where it came from. At each junction or intersection so "Bade" is played 3 times. Arriving at the cemetery, Ngaben ceremony performed by placing the body in "The Cow" which has been prepared starting with the other ceremonies and prayers of Ida Pedanda spell, then "The Cow" burned to the Ashes. Ash is then discharged into the sea or river is considered sacred. After this ceremony, families can still pray for ancestors of the holy places and temples respectively. This can lead to family ties in Bali is very strong, because they always remember and respect lelulur and also their parents. There is a belief that the spirits of our ancestors going back reincarnated in the family circle again, so is usually a grandchild is the reincarnation of his parents.

Balinese Traditional Marriage Glance

Hindus have a purpose in life called the Artha Purusa Catur Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha. This can not be realized at once but gradually. Stages to achieve the four goals of life is called the Chess Hostel. At this stage of life goals Brahmacari priority boarding for Dharma. Boarding priority Grhasta realize artha and kama. While in Wanaprasta Boarding and Boarding Sanyasa prioritized goals to achieve moksa. Marriage or Wiwaha is an attempt to realize the purpose of life Grhasta Dormitory. Main tasks of ejection by Grhasta Boarding Parwa Agastya is to realize a life that is called "magic Kayika yatha Dharma" which means the ability to implement the Dharma itself. So a Grhasta should really be able to independently realize the Dharma in this life. Independence and professionalism is what should really be prepared by a Hindu who wanted to take marriage. In a marriage there are two goals that must be resolved by realizing that completely artha and kama are based on Dharma. In the preparation stage, a person who will enter the marriage in desperate need of guidance, especially to do with success or minimize the barriers that may arise. Guidance will be very good if given by an expert in the field of Hindu religion, especially concerning the duties and obligations of a grhastha, to be independent within the manifest destiny to get artha and kama based on Dharma. Purify Self Marriage is essentially a yadnya to provide an opportunity for fathers to incarnate again in order to improve his karma. Sarasamuscaya biblical verse 2 mentioned "Ri sarwa sakwehning bhuta, iking Janam gumaweakenikang wang authorities also asubha karma subha, subha ring worm panentasakena karma karma also ikang asubha dadi pahalaning wang" means: from this number all living creatures, who was born as a human that's all I can do good or bad. As for consolidation bad deeds into good deeds, it is useful to be human. Associated with the verse in the bag, karma only incarnate as a human being, karma can be improved to a perfect karma subha. Have children through marriage and keep it with real affection to a yadnya ancestors. Moreover if the child can be nurtured and educated to be human suputra, would constitute an act exceeding one hundred yadnya, as mentioned in Slokantara. Hindu marriage is a holy and sacred, and therefore the Vedic era, the marriage is determined by a sage, who can see clearly, beyond the spiritual vision, who will be married couples. With a view of an expert or a Brahmin Rishi Sista, fit or not fitting of a married couple will be seen clearly. Couples who do not fit (in spirit) is recommended to cancel his marriage plans, because it can definitely be fatal to both families involved. After days of Dharma Sastra, the couple no longer reconcilable by the sage, but by the king or brides parents, by considering the mundane, such as maintaining the dignity of the family, consideration of wealth, beauty, kegantengan and others. When this started declining spiritual values as a basis for consideration. In the modern era and the era of globalization, as now, the role of parents probably have not so dominant in determining mate sons. Young children more now determine their own soul mate. Penentuan jodoh oleh diri sendiri itu amat tergantuang pada kadar kemampuan mereka yang melakukan perkawinan. But it seems more determined by worldly considerations, such as physical beauty, the degree of family and social measures rather than the degree of economic and spiritual. Meaning and Symbol Marriage Law No. 1 th 1974, the validity of a marriage is legal according to their respective religions. So, for Hindus, through the process of religious ceremony called "Mekala-kalaan" (natab banten), usually dipuput by a pinandita. The ceremony was held at the home page (middle Natah) because it is the central point of the power of "Kala Bhucari" as ruler of the area housing madyaning theater. Makala-kalaan derived from the word "time" which means energy. Kala is a manifestation of power that has quality kama keraksasaan (asuri sampad), so as to give effect to the bride and groom usually called the "sebel bold". With mekala-kalaan ceremony as a means of neutralizing (nyomia) when the power is negative in order to be when hita or to change the quality of godhead (Daiwi Sampad). So please panugrahan of Bhucari Sang Hyang Kala, nyomia Sang Hyang Kala Sang Hyang nareswari be Semara Jaya and Sang Hyang Semara Ruth. So the meaning of the ceremony as mekala-kalaan legalization of marriage the couple through the process of purification, as well as purified contained the seeds of both families, a sukla (spermatozoa) of men and women bride (ovum) from the bride. Tools Ceremony Mekala-kalaan Sanggah Surya On the right hung biyu lalung and protested to the left of hanging a kulkul berem. Surya is corrected niyasa (symbol) Stana Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa, in this case is the god Surya and stananya Sang Hyang Semara Jaya and Sang Hyang Semara Ruth. Biyu lalung is the symbol of the strength purusa Widhi and Sang Hyang Hyang Purusa is manifest as Sang Hyang Semara Jaya, as the god of virtue, beauty, wisdom groom symbol. Kulkul contains prakertinya power symbol berem Sang Hyang Widhi and manifest as Sang Hyang Semara Ratih, the god of beauty and wisdom of the symbol of the bride. Centipedes nareswari Kala (Kala Badeg) Blonde bride, who is placed as a base upakara mekala-kalaan and occupied by both the prospective bride. Tikeh Dadakan (small mats) Impromptu Tikeh occupied by the bride as a symbol of the hymen (Hymen) of women. When viewed from a spiritual angle, tikeh impromptu as a symbol of strength is Sang Hyang Prakerti (yoni power). Keris Kris as Sang Hyang Purusa strength (strength phallus) grooms. Usually nyungklit kris, viewed from the side spritualnya as a symbol of the groom kepurusan. White Yarn In kalaan made mekala-white thread and a half meters long, consisting of 12 pitches threads into one, and at both ends of each string is attached to the branches of trees as high as 30 cm dapdap. Number 12 is symbolic of sebel 12 days, which is taken from a story by the Kauravas Pandavas conviction for 12 years. Mekala ceremony, the bride sebel automatic kalaan called sebel kandalan be annihilated with the purification ceremony. From the spiritual aspect of this thread as a symbol of the layers of life, means that the bride was ready to increase the natural life of the natural Brahmacari to Grhasta Dormitory Dormitory. Tegen - tegenan Tegen-tegenan meaning is a symbol of the takeover of the responsibility scale and timeless. Device tegen-tegenan: - Cane means living bride could mean life stages such as sugarcane thing vertebra by vertebra, is sweet. - Hoe as a symbol Ardha Candra. Hoe as a means of working, based on the Dharma berkarma - Pots symbol windhu - But coconut symbol brahman (Sang Hyang Widhi) - A crab sign language symbol and kerahayuan offspring begging. Suwun-suwunan (jinjingan facilities) The form of baskets that carry the bride, which includes taro, turmeric, rice and spices symbolize a woman's task or mengmbangkan wife's husband provided the seed, is expected as turmeric and taro tree comes from a small seed grow into a large. Trade-trade Represents the agreement of the husband and wife to build a home and ready to bear all risks arising from the marriage as an agreement among sellers and buyers in commercial transactions. Broom stick (3 more) Rich Tri Parisudha symbol. The bride and groom looking at each other with each other, signals to warn each other and spur each other to remember the obligations of conduct Tri RNA, based on good words, good behavior and good thoughts, besides that it warned against brave face trials and domesticity. Rod Kupakan (coconut fibers) Coconut fibers split three, in which an egg filled with ducks, and then covered again in the outer colored yarn tied with three (tri Datu). Coconut fibers split in three symbols of TRIGUNA (satwam, rajas, tamas). Yarn Tridatu symbol of Tri Murti (Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva) suggests purity. Duck egg symbol beads. Bride of coconut fibers to each other kick (metanjung rod) three times, after which symbolically occupied by the bride. If having a dispute in order to beat each other, and rapidly in each individual to realize directly. Always remember to purification, so that power can be controlled TRIGUNA. After the ceremony kalapa fibers are placed under the bed bride. Tetimpug Three stems of bamboo were burned with fire aimed dayuh pleaded penyupatan of Sang Hyang Brahma. After the ceremony finished mekala-kalaan followed by ridding itself (bath) it is called the "Angelus wimoha" which means implementing changes asuri sampad power nyomia be daiwi bhuta sampad or when nareswari nyomia to become Sang Hyang Semara Jaya and Sang Hyang Semara Ratih to expectations from this marriage were born children suputra. After a shower bridal dress decorated natab great as it would on the couch which is grateful to Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa. Then on the next good day will be held ceremony Widhi Widana (rules and give thanks to Hyang Widhi). Last pepamitan ceremony to the bride's house.

Selasa, 01 September 2009

Arak Bali

Arak is a local drink in Bali. Made from the sap of palm trees can drink clear liquids neat, or mixed with sweet additives. One liter of wine will cost around 20,000 rp-30, 000rp in the shops in Bali. The name 'wine' is sometimes given the confusion about the origin and taste the drink. Countries such as Lebanon Middle Eastern drink called arak, made from anise. Origin of name Wine or araq (Arabic: IPA عرق [ʕaraq]) is a clear, colorless, unsweetened aniseed-distilled alcohol taste, produced in the eastern Mediterranean, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Palestine, Israel and Iraq. The word comes from Arabic araq عرق, which means "sweat" or "juice". Wine should not be confused with the same name liquor, wine. It is believed that the wine was developed by Christian and Jewish minorities of Islamic Middle East. Jabir ibn Hayyan, a Muslim alchemist of the early Islamic era, found the alembic, which facilitated the distillation of alcohol spirits, the name used in Lebanon is al karkeh or a little more formally al kattara. However, Muslims do not use the invention to produce alcoholic beverages since, in Islam, alcohol consumption is prohibited. Therefore, the invention is used to filter the perfume of flowers and to produce kohl, eye makeup woman where liquid black powder, then converted to steam and allowed to strengthen the back. The Arabs brought the art of distilling kohl to Spain from where the rest spread to Europe. In this Christian land, it takes a much different use: the production of alcoholic beverages. With the use of this method of producing hard spirits, the Arabic name "al-kohl", which became alcohol, was adopted because a similar method the Arabs used in manufacturing this cosmetic. The words in the English language arts-related refinery, in addition to alcohol, such as "alchemy", "alchemist", and "alembic" prove Arab origin was found in a lot of land west of intoxicants. Traditionally, wine is generally a local village or manufacturing, but in recent decades has been more and more produced in large factories. This has become the choice of people who enjoy alcoholic beverages in the Middle East, in competition with the many drinks imported from the West. SE Asia's wine connection Wine refers to spirits distilled particularly strong in the South and Southeast Asia from fermented fruits, grains, sugarcane, or the sap of coconut or palm trees other. The word itself comes from the Arabic word 'araq ", which means" juice ". The name is said to signify, in the East, each drink alcohol, but it is usually the name of this is wine. Generally fermented from coconut sap these days, and then distilled to produce alcoholic drinks that taste a bit like something between whiskey and rum. Originally from India, where he distilled from Kallu, Wine mainly produced in Sri Lanka. Generally distilled between 37% to 50% alcohol by volume (70-100 proof). Arak is traditionally taken directly or with water. Contemporarily was also frequently taken with ginger ale or club soda, or as a component of various cocktails. How wine enjoyed by tourists in Bali Here in Bali is spelled the word 'wine', the local population has no idea drinking again with the same name in other places. Two popular drink enjoyed by the west is the Arak Attack (wine and orange juice) and honey wine (wine, water, honey, with a wedge of lime). Honey wine that tastes like the 'poor man margarita', with a sour / sharp aspect. Arak is not one of the world's soft drink and when compared with the tequila, or distilled spirits other has a slightly raw characters. A honey wine may cost 8000 rp in Kuta shop, or 20,000 rp in a beach cafe. Nightclubs and lounge bars generally do not serve liquor because it is cheap booze. How wine is used by the Balinese Local Bali neat man will drink wine at a cockfight and ceremonies. In The Joy of Arak Madu, said "Usually it was poured from bottle to Tapan, a spoon made from banana leaves. The devotee or priest Tapan holds in his left hand and blew the heart of wine with his right hand, often use the flowers were held between the finger - finger for this purpose at the gods in a movement called ngayabang. Then, shifting to the right Tapan parties, wine poured on the ground as an offering to the spirits. The second act is called matabuh, which refers to the spilling of liquid on the ground as an offering to the spirits spirit-less. Arak used for this purpose is a very low quality. It is well kept for a drink. " Accidentally spilled wine on the ground in honor of Dewi Sri, the Goddess of rice. During the show averse averse in Denpasar and Kuta, the bearers will have some wine before starting out, the chance that floated over the audience. Wine will never win a prize, but part of Balinese culture and has helped many aong with adventure tourists.

Calon Arang Dance

This may be a fascinating hour on the first night of the full moon, when the long shadows spread like a ghost on the ground, the village people gathered in an open place near the temple of the dead to watch the drama of Calon Arang, the widow-witch of Girah. Every Balinese knows the legend Rangda as CaIon Charcoal, a favorite in local folklore. Long ago, when Airlangga is king, there lived a widow, Calon Arang, which gave birth to a son in th '' u ngle. The children grow up to be famous Rachael UTY Digging 6ea. Caion tier Charcoal wanted to marry a princess prince fromairiangga'spalace, butdespite herbeauty, no prince to come. Angefed by this, the widow of learning the art and practice of black magic against the kingdom, causing many people to die. When Airiangga heard about the epidemic in Girah, he consulted with the high priest, Mpu Bharadah. Imam sent his son to ask his Digging Ratna. Calon Arang was pleased with the offer. Outbreak subsided, and the couple married. Calon Arang was in possession of a palm (palmleaf book) teaching of black magic. His son-in-law one day find it and give it to her father, who then managed to solve the formula for the widow of a secret power. When Calon Arang Mpu Bharadah found already know the secrets, he was furious and declared war on him. Priests had no choice but to fight and, in a deadly struggle witchcraft, destroy widow by casting a spell. Before he died, Calon Arang ask forgiveness. Mpu Bharadah release behavior and shows the way to heaven The story has many variations, and no two Calon Arang play exactly the same. Basically, the play is a drama of sorcery that served as a powerful exorcism of evil spirits parallel with Rangda witch queen. By dramatizing Calonarang Rangda heightof power atthe as hermagical, expected performance wizard will get help and satisfy her appetite for destruction.

Lake Batur

The origins of Batur area was the collapse of an ancient volcano. In more than 100 sq km caldera left from this disaster, a volcanic cone newly formed, namely Gunung Batur (Mount Batur, 1717m). Next to the mountains, a lake (Lake Batur) came into existence. The volcano is still active and the last eruption in 1999. Penelokan village located near the lake. There are stunning views from this lake and volcanoes. However, the point of view was packed only with the Indonesian people all trying to sell the same goods. We are the only tourists around at that time, so it was a horrible experience. Usually the Indonesian people leave you alone when you say no (no) several times, but the sellers here are very persistent. In the village Penelokan, you can find a beautiful temple Ulun Lake Batur. Apparently, the temple was saved by some volcanic eruptions. This is regarded as a message from the gods, of course, but for me it was more than one of the lucky stories. I've heard some of these stories, such as the church protected by the avalanche, or a mosque survived the earthquake. There are places like this around the world, in every culture. Dotted around the lake are some other great temples like the one in the picture. I do not remember his name, but it is a short journey from the village through a strange black lava landscape, witness to one of the Batur eruption. There was a small lake nearby, and does not interfere with the seller to find.


How day people and welcome back to another week baliwaves.com filled with surfing and weather info comes to you live from the one-stop surfing, fun and sun holiday island of Bali. Anf baliwaves.com I must say is the only Bali surf report Web sites that can keep up 7 days a week. And thanks to another big team of Hendra and down in the Temple for today's photo. 

I awoke with the sparrows this morning and down at the beach to check the waves at 6:00. Wave height between Kuta Reef and Airport Left was still holding the chest to the head of a high class, but with little directional change. Kuta Reef seems to take the lion share of juice at the time with some nice little head high peelers wrappers to the rock. Airport Left also has a few waves but more like the waist to chest high plus sector. And when the tide out late morning to the Middle Reef will be the best choice. 

Surfing the net conditions and glassy when the winds had just emerged on the 0-1knot out of the East. Conditions should be better as the Tradewind kicks in. 

Install info for this day to say we have a 1.9mtr High around 6:00 then he will go out for a 0.8mtr Low around 1:30.